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Adorable Kids

It’s funny how toddlers who love splashing around in the water grow up to be messy preteens who would gladly stay dirty if given the choice.

Laying a solid foundation of good personal hygiene habits while they’re still young will help to maintain good health later in life AND, someday, they will thank you. So soldier on.

Explain the Basics

The best way to introduce personal hygiene to kids is to explain that it keeps them from getting sick. They might not grasp all the scary details but they’ll understand why it’s important to avoid colds and runny noses. This approach also teaches that personal hygiene isn’t just about appearance.

Games can make teaching personal hygiene so much easier.

You can also use glitter to teach hand washing. Sprinkle glitter on your hands and your child’s hands and then challenge him or her to wash it off with soap and water. It should take about 30 seconds of scrubbing to get the glitter off.

Did you come here for something in particular or just general Riker-bashing? And blowing into maximum warp speed, you appeared for an instant to be in two places at once. We have a saboteur aboard.

Teaching your kids good personal hygiene when they’re very young fosters good health later on in life AND makes it less likely that you’ll need a hazmat suit, or tetanus shot, when going into their room during the teen years!

  • Topic
    Raising Fit Kids & Teens
  • Expert
    Mike Tucker
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